The Dana Foundation is a private philanthropic organization that supports brain research through grants and educates the public about the successes and potential of brain research. Dana produces free publications; coordinates the International Brain Awareness Week campaign; supports the Dana Alliances, a network of neuroscientists; and maintains a Web site, www.dana.org.
The Dana Foundation’s science and health grants support clinical research in neuroscience and neuroimmunology and their interrelationship in human health and disease.
Grant programs include brain imaging, clinical neuroscience research, and neuroimmunology. The Web pages provide descriptions of the focus of each of these programs, application guidelines and summaries of supported studies and their results.
The Foundation also occasionally sponsors workshops and forums for working scientists and curricula development in areas related to its program grants.
Online and in print, we offer cutting-edge yet reader-friendly publications, mainly in neuroscience. Online, we offer exclusive news and feature articles and our blog. Our online magazine, Cerebrum, offers thought-provoking ideas from the world’s leading scientists and other scholars, as well as reviews of books about the brain. Special publications include Briefing Papers and Q&As with working neuroscientists.