The Emergency Preparedness documents in this library contain information and tips to help individuals and families prepare for an emergency. Information in these documents informs people on what to do before, during, and after an emergency. Download these PDF documents for FREE by simply clicking on the image or the document name.
Prepare for Emergencies Now – Information to Get Ready (PDF Brochure)
An excellent outline of what it takes to prepare an emergency including: being informed, making a plan, building a kit, and getting involved.
Prepare for Emergencies Now – Infomation for Older Americans (PDF Brochure)
A brochure with emergency preparedness tips specifically directed to older americans on things to consider when prepareing for an emergency.
Prepare for Emergencies Now – Information for People with Disabilities (PDF Brochure)
A unique brochure with information specific to Americans with disabilities and other access and functional needs regarding emergency preparedness.
Prepare for Emergencies Now – Information for Pet Owners (PDF Brochure)
A unique brochure containing information for pet owners and suggestions for proactive pet emergency preparedness.
Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and Other Special Needs (PDF Booklet)
This booklet contains emergency preparedness information to inform those with disabilities and other special needs prepare for an emergency.
Helping Children Cope with Disaster (PDF Booklet)
This booklet provides parents with information about how to help their children cope with disaster.
Food and Water in an Emergency (PDF Booklet)
This booklet contains useful information on food and water needs before, during and after an emergency.
Family Communication Plan for Parents (PDF Form)
A two page form designed to help families document important information that will be needed in the event of an emergency.
Family Communication Plan for Kids (PDF Form)
A two page form designed to help families document important information that will be needed in the event of an emergency.
Disaster Preparedness Coloring Book for Children (PDF Booklet)
Designed to help parents and educators teach children about the basics of emergency preparedness. This booklet contains information to help parents and educators explain the different types of disasters that can occur how how best to react. It also contains coloring pages for children.
Commuter Emergency Plan (PDF Form)
A one page form to help individuals develop a plan should disaster strike when traveling between work and home, or other commonly visited locations.
Preparing for Disaster (PDF Booklet)
A document that outlines four essential steps to preparing for a disaster: Get Informed, Make a Plan, Assemble a Kit, and Maintain Your Plan and Kit.
Emergency Financial First Aid Kit – EFFAK (PDF Booklet)
The EFFAK is a flexible tool designed to help individuals and families at all income levels collect and secure the documentation they would need to get on the road to recovery without unnecessary delays, should disaster strike. The EFFAK also includes helpful tips and suggestions regarding how to safeguard important information, what to do in case of an emergency, and how to work with others to strengthen community preparedness.
Some of the documents in this library are authored by FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. While FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security provides permission to to publish these documents, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security is not affiliated with and does not endore